Dog bites cause more than pain. They can lead to long-term issues with health, including nerve damage. For victims who are seeking legal compensation and medical care, it is vital to know when and how a dog bite can cause nerve injury. This article explores how a canine bite can result in nerve damage. It also discusses the role of a dog bite accident lawyer.

Compact Nerve Injury from Dog Bites

When nerves are injured, they can result in damage to their ability to transmit signals between body and brain. This can cause symptoms like pain, numbness, burning, and loss in function. Dog bites may cause nerve damage, especially if the bite penetrates deep into the tissue and damages the nerves under the skin.

Factors Contributing To Nerve Damage

  1. Level of Bite: A superficial injury may only be on the surface, but a deep wound can reach and damage nerves. It is also important to consider the severity of the bite. Bites that result in extensive tissue injury or crushing force can cause nerve damage.
  2. Place of the Bite: The location of bites on the human body can affect the probability of nerve damage. The areas of the body with more nerves, such as the wrists, hands, and legs, are more susceptible. Due to the dense networks of nerves, bites on these parts of your body can cause serious nerve damage.
  3. The Infection and the Inflammation: Dog bites may cause inflammation and infection. This can lead to further nerve damage. Bacteria that are introduced by the bite can cause swelling and inflammation, which can add pressure to the nerves. Untreated infections may cause permanent nerve damage in severe cases.
  4. Delayed Health Care: Prompt treatment of dog bites is vital to managing them and preventing complications. Delayed treatment could worsen an injury, increasing the risk of permanent nerve damage. For example, if you do not clean and treat a bite, you can get infections that worsen the nerve damage.

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Symptoms and Causes of Nerve Damage

Symptoms of nerve injury caused by a bite from a canine vary depending on how severe the injury is. Signs and symptoms include:

  • PAIN: Persistent, severe pain at the site of the bite. It is described as being sharp, burning, or throbbing.
  • Nullness: A loss of sensation or feelings in the affected areas.
  • Tiling: A pins-and-needles feeling or abnormal sensations.
  • Strength: Difficulty in moving and using the affected body part or limb.
  • Paralysis: In severe cases, a partial or total loss of movement.

If you suffer from any of these following a pet bite, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Legal Considerations & The Role Of An Accident Lawyer

If you’ve suffered nerve damage from a bite by a canine, you could be entitled to compensation. This may include medical expenses, suffering, and other damages. You may collect the compensation you deserve by navigating the legal system with the assistance of a dog bite attorney.

  1. Assessment Of Case: An attorney for a dog bite accident will evaluate your case to determine the facts of the incident, such as the severity of injuries, the extent and type of nerve damage, or the responsibility of the other party. They can assess whether or not you have a solid legal claim and advise you on the best course of action.
  2. Evidence Collect: Your lawyer will assist you with gathering and organizing the evidence necessary to support your case. You may need to provide medical records, an expert opinion on the extent of nerve damage, and documentation. To build a strong case, you will need to provide solid evidence.
  3. Lawyer Representation: If your case ends up in court, your attorney will represent you through the entire legal process. They will deal with all aspects of a case, including the presentation of evidence, questioning of witnesses, and making legal arguments for your claim.


The nerve damage that can result from a dog’s bite is serious and can affect your health for years to come. It is important to understand the causes of damage to the nerves and their symptoms in order for you to receive timely legal and medical help. Hiring a dog bite accident attorney will provide you with the information and support you need to seek recompense for your injuries and the justice you deserve. If you’ve sustained nerve damage after a bite from a pet, contact a qualified attorney to help guide you and protect your rights.